Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting the House Ready.

We have been getting ready for Joe's surgery. He's started planning what he will need to help him recover more comfortably. We got rid of the throw rugs, we got rid of the recliner and bought a straight back wing chair with ottoman, he already had a raised toilet seat, we took off the glass shower doors, meals are being prepared and stored in the freezer, he's ordered a couple of books, a new cooler blanket for our bed, and now the latest....(we have a TV in the bedroom already) on Friday a big TV, to hang on the wall, is being delivered. Anything to keep him comfortable and happy. We decided that we won't be going anywhere this summer, so why not get a nice TV for our bedroom. We will be able to watch DVD's...movies our favorite. So, the last couple of days have been cleaning days. The bedroom is ready and we are anxious.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have it all under control. I hope everything goes well. I'm sure it will. Just pick up some good movies and enjoy his recuperation.
